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Call Us Today: 952-841-2345

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with less pain

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pain management
experts at Twin Cities
Pain Clinic and let us
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life you deserve.

Call Us Today: 952-841-2345


How to Relieve Low Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common and costly medical conditions of them all. It is estimated that 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives, eight percent of which will develop chronic back pain issues. And low backRead more

How Does Sleep Affect Chronic Pain?

Does chronic pain affect our ability to get quality sleep? Or does lack of sleep make chronic pain worse? It’s actually both. It is estimated that 50-80% of chronic pain patients report sleep disruption. For obvious reasons, suffering from persistent pain can make it difficult toRead more

Intrathecal Pain Pump – A Review

The intrathecal pump is among the most advanced treatments for relieving chronic, intractable pain. It is a long-term, reliable, and low risk solution when other therapies have failed to provide adequate pain relief. But what exactly is an intrathecal pain pump? What does intrathecal mean? WhatRead more

Does Sugar Make Chronic Pain Worse?

Sugar! It's the main reason why so many of our favorites snacks and treats taste so delicious! Not only that, but it's also affordable and readily available pretty much anywhere. Unfortunately, these facts often overshadow the not-so-hidden dangers of sugar consumption. It's well known that eatingRead more

Spinal Cord Stimulation – A Review

Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is a highly effective, drug-free therapy for providing lasting, effective relief from chronic pain. But what is spinal cord stimulation? How well does spinal cord stimulation work? Is there a "best" spinal cord stimulator? In this blog, we answer these and moreRead more

How Chronic Pain Affects Your Heart

Chronic pain is the single most common major medical issue among adults. In the U.S. alone, chronic pain is estimated to affect over 50 million adults and cost $635 billion annually, more than the annual costs of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined. And while theRead more
Telemedicine and in-clinic appointments available. Schedule today: 952-841-2345