
Call Us Today: 952-841-2345

Call Us Today: 952-841-2345

Imagine your life
with less pain

Visit the
pain management
experts at Twin Cities
Pain Clinic and let us
help you get back the
life you deserve.

Call Us Today: 952-841-2345


Happy Retirement Nancy Cleveland

After a storied and successful career, 12 years of which were spent right here at Twin Cities Pain Clinic, our provider, colleague, and friend, Nancy Cleveland, has decided to retire. Beloved by patients and coworkers alike, Nancy has been an indescribably important member of our teamRead more

The Best Foods to Relieve Chronic Pain

One of the main factors in managing chronic pain is making smart lifestyle choices. Along with getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, eating a nutritious diet has a big impact on the severity of chronic pain, which in turn affects overall quality ofRead more

Stretching and Chronic Pain

Maintaining good physical fitness is vital to overall health and wellness. There are five components of physical fitness, and they include cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, healthy body composition and flexibility. A healthy and fulfilling life is best achieved by keeping up with all five,Read more

Advances in Treating Chronic Pain

Founder and Medical Director of Twin Cities Pain Clinic, Dr. Andrew J. Will, presents a patient education webinar about chronic pain management. Dr. Will reviews the most advanced pain treatments available today and answers guest questions about pain care. We also welcome Army veteran and specialRead more
Telemedicine and in-clinic appointments available. Schedule today: 952-841-2345